Lesson Plan

Tricky Time Telling

We all know how tricky telling time can be for our students. This terrific time lesson will have your students understanding analog clocks in no time!
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Telling Time Using Skip Counting pre-lesson.
View aligned standards
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Telling Time Using Skip Counting pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to tell and show time using analog clocks.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(20 minutes)
Telling Time PracticeWhat Time Is It?
  • Gather the students in a common area.
  • Explain to students that today they will be exploring the concept of time and learning how to read an analog clock.
  • Hold up or point to the analog clock on the wall. Explain to your students that an analog clock is different than a digital clock because you have to learn how to read the time on the analog clock by looking at the moving hands on the clock and the numbers that go from 1 to 12. A digital clock displays the numbers and a colon separates the hours and minutes. The hour on a digital clock is on the left and the minutes are on the right.
  • Ask the students if any of them can read the current time on the analog clock. Call on a few students to try to figure out the answer.
  • Ask the students what time they come to school in the morning and what time they eat lunch.
  • Ask the students to show you the times using the small analog clocks.
  • Continue asking the students a few questions about the times of certain important events throughout the day.
  • Ask the students why time is important and what would happen if they didn’t pay attention to time.
  • Explain to students that you will watch a brief video about telling time. Encourage the students to pay close attention and listen to the catchy poem they hear in the story.
  • Ask the students to raise their hands if they see an analog clock during the video. Encourage students to try to read the time on the analog clock. Pause the video when necessary.
  • Watch the Telling Time Story.


  • Provide students with a bilingual glossary with important words from the lesson (e.g. analog clock, digital clock, moving hands, hour hand, minute hand, etc.) in English and students' home language (L1).
  • Have students sit near the front of the classroom during the video. Pause the video and ask students to say important words from the video in English or student's L1.


  • Have students think-pair-share their understanding of important concepts and vocabulary words in the introduction such as telling time, analog clock, and digital clock.
  • Provide sentence stems to support students in discussing their ideas, such as:
    • An analog clock shows time with ________.
    • A digital clock shows time with ________.