Lesson Plan

Typing 201: Capital Letters and Punctuation

It’s time to for your students to move onto learning more complex typing skills! This lesson teaches your students how to type capital letters, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks using correct finger placement.
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Learning Objectives

Students will be able to type capital letters, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks using correct finger placement.


(5 minutes)
  • Write these sentences (or something similar without capitalization or punctuation) on the board: i can’t wait for this weekend; what day is today; i want to go to the pool to practice my diving.
  • Ask students to explain what is wrong with these sentences.
  • Invite volunteers to come up to the board to edit these sentences.
  • Support students to see that these sentences are missing capital letters and ending punctuation.
  • Ask students why capital letters and ending punctuation are necessary. What would it be like to read a text without them?
  • Tell students that today we are going to learn how to type capital letters, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks using our practice paper keyboards.

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