Lesson Plan

Let's Celebrate Valentine's Day!

Holidays are an exciting part of a child’s life, and Valentine's Day can make winter a little brighter! As students celebrate and explore the fun of Valentine's Day through activity centers, a loving feeling will soon fill the air.
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Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and describe some of the symbols and traditions associated with Valentine’s Day in the United States.


(10 minutes)
Duck Valentine's Day CardMonkey Valentine's Day CardBunny Valentine's Day CardOwl Valentine's Day Card
  • Call the students together.
  • Tell students that something very exciting has happened: a valentine has arrived in the mail for the whole class. It has included an invitation to celebrate Valentine's Day. (It can be fun to have a real valentine to show the class, even more exciting if actually addressed and mailed, that includes an invitation to the class Valentine's Day party. This is not necessary if prep time is limited. Students can simply be told that such a valentine arrived.)
  • Ask the students to think about everything they know about Valentine's Day, so that they can prepare to celebrate the holiday. Write down their thoughts on a white board or large piece of poster board.