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DIY Compost: Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition
DIY Compost: Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition
Science Project
DIY Compost: Aerobic and Anaerobic Decomposition
What's the best way to make DIY compost? Kids will learn about aerobic and anaerobic decomposition while learning to appreciate the value of composting.
3rd grade
Science Project
Using Garden Mulch to Make a Bug Zoo
Using Garden Mulch to Make a Bug Zoo
Science Project
Using Garden Mulch to Make a Bug Zoo
In this project, create and examine garden mulch to find out what critters live in the messy, muddy layers just above the soil.
Science Project
Soil Horizon
Soil Horizon
Science Project
Soil Horizon
Soil is made up of different layers. How far down do you need to dig to find the soil horizon, or the place where bits of leaves and branches become soil?
5th grade
Science Project
Using Mirrors in the Garden: Measuring Light Reflection
Using Mirrors in the Garden: Measuring Light Reflection
Science Project
Using Mirrors in the Garden: Measuring Light Reflection
Can you increase the light and plant growth in your garden using mirrors? In this experiment, measure light reflection and find out!
4th grade
Science Project
What is Mulch?
What is Mulch?
Science Project
What is Mulch?
What is mulch? Kids will provide soil with a wet blanket of mulch and see if that helps keep drought-stricken soil damp.
5th grade
Science Project
Why Do Plants Wilt?
Why Do Plants Wilt?
Science Project
Why Do Plants Wilt?
Why do plants wilt? Kids will learn to think critically about what environmental factors affect plants, and what plants need to survive.
Science Project
Pruning Tomato Plants
Pruning Tomato Plants
Science Project
Pruning Tomato Plants
In this experiment, kids will see if pruning tomato plants makes them more fruitful and learn about the factors that contribute to a plant's fruit production.
3rd grade
Science Project
What is Biodiversity?
What is Biodiversity?
Science Project
What is Biodiversity?
What is biodiversity? Kids will study different areas of their backyards to see which is the most diverse to learn about biodiversity and random sampling.
5th grade
Science Project
How to Clean a Fish Tank
How to Clean a Fish Tank
Science Project
How to Clean a Fish Tank
Kids will learn how to clean fish tank the natural way. Add catfish to the tank and see if your water gets cleaner.
Science Project